

The most scenic one-week race ever seen. Chapeau Roy Hegreberg, Anders Eia Linnestad and the rest of the team. It was a race week not to be forgotten. We were up against a superb INEOS and a flying Remco. I think we did fantastic. We deserved to get the responsibility and we fought for the win all days. Tobias showed his skills both in sprints and climbs, and our domestiques got the respect they deserve in the peloton.

Chapeau to our competitors – no hiding game and full gas. Remco’s Strava KOM at Gaustablikk will probably last forever?

Performance Group

We have been at work lately. Detailed testing of frames, wheels and helmets at Silverstone. We received some really good answers. Uno-X do not (yet) have a 30 MEUR budget, which implies that we have to try to act smarter and more efficient than our competitors. With the bright minds of Casper von Folsach w/ friends and superb partners we are about to take the next step. Yes!

Johannes Kulset

Together with Kurt we met with Johannes this week in our new service course in Oslo, Norway. We were stunned by his personality and mature level of athlete thinking. Johannes has been developing his passion for cycling in Ringerike SK and Norges Toppidrettsgymnas - important institutions on «home ground» which provide safe surroundings for youth development.

Johannes will start in the devo team in 2023 with a race program tailored to his GC-development (both U23 and pro races). He is planned to launch pro in 2024. I can’t wait to see him in our colours.


WWT Aero-camping

We had to find space in the calendar for a really good block of training. Pushing hard throughout April with the Giro, Tour de France and Tour of Scandinavia upcoming later in the summer. No way our young team can race at complete WWT-calendar at the moment. We have been off for some weeks now and restarted in London last weekend. This week has been all aero in the UK with focus on tests, aero positions and equipment development. Women’s Tour next before we head to the Nationals. I love the path we’re on.

Highlight of the week was to see Elinor, Casper and Nico together with the team. We want to be more than a racing team, we want to create family. We’re about to succeed, by definition 😉.




Uno-X | Sweet Protection